Business Integration

What is business integration consulting?

Whether the back end is based on a large scale enterprise ERP system or a smaller SME scaled solution, ONE9 3NINE are able to assist the customer with complete business integration of any mobility solution.

Problem Solution
How to integrate mobility with my company? Mobility software and hardware comes in many forms as does the level of integration and ONE9 3NINE offers customer business process evaluation as a service that culminates in the creation of a business integration plan that allows customers to make informed mobility solution selection decisions.  Based on a high level overview of the business operations, ONE9 3NINE is able to advise its clients how mobility could help them and what possible solutions would be a best fit both from an operational benefit and financial perspective.  The business integration report can then be executed through to the design of mobility automation software, customized data transformation and the hardware platforms as well.
What does my business need to go mobile? The most simple mobility solution includes a preconfigured software application running on a mobile phone communicating with an external provider of a software solution that interacts or sends notification reports to the company in one form or another based on field activities so for this solution a company would only require a compatible mobile phone and the application.  At the other end of the spectrum, industrial applications of mobility include a server stack dedicated for the mobility solution that are purchased and installed within the customer environment, data access is required out through their firewall to public internet and industrial mobility ruggedized devices are acquired that support up to 2000 drops, where a specialized and highly customized software platform will be loaded across both the mobile handsets all the way back to the server stack within the customer computer room.  After this has been concluded, a data connection will be made to which ever applications require access and notifications from the new mobility system and full testing is conducted to ensure any ERP or similar systems can communicate back and forth between the multitude of mobility handsets out in the field.
How can mobility really help my business? Mobility business integration can help a business for example by taking customer feedback directly in the field say in the case of a hire car scenario where both a payment and customer signature with feedback is required which also records photos of car damage before and after hire so that care state and fixing can be automatically quantified and quoted with the car asset recorded as out of use whilst corrective action is taken.  This level of complete interaction with both stock control, maintenance and service delivery is possible through a carefully designed mobility solution where greater efficiency can mean increased revenue and happier customers.

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